Friday, February 4, 2011

Mission update by Mary Gura RN WHNP-S

As a student this was such a enriching learning experience along with a spiritual experience. The thought of going on a mission trip to provide medical care was so entriguing when the idea was presented to us back in August. The Women's Health Nurse Practitioners (4 of us plus Deb our instructor) decided unanimously to go on this adventure. As the possibility unfolded to actually make this happen, other graduate nursing students and faculty jumped on board to make this mission trip a reality. We prepared for this trip by making some educational pamphlets to take with us on topics that Barnabas Task felt were needs of the people of Cien Fuego. We collected donations of meds and supplies packing 18 suitcases full for our trip.

We spent 4 days offering medical care to the people of Cien Fuego (over 600 patients were seen throughout the 4 days). We saw patients of all ages (from 6 mos - 70). Common complaints ranged from flu symptoms, abdominal cramping, fatigue, muscle aches, high blood pressure, and parasites. The people were the most patient people I have ever met. They may have waited 2 hours or so in line or sitting and waiting to be seen but we never heard a complaint. The people graced us and prayed for us being there to see them. A smile and a listening ear went a long way. Many times Motrin and vitamins was all we could provide and the people took them so graciously. They were beautiful people. The children just loved to see us smile and have their pictures taken. We enjoyed the people of Cien Fuego as much as they enjoyed us!

Thank you to IPFW and the Barnabas Task for giving us the opportunity to serve the people of Cien Fuego.
God Bless.


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